Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Pages of my Books

So for the past week I’ve been sucked into the Hunger Games trend and I spent pretty much every unscheduled free moment I had in the pages of these books. I finished Mockingjay just last night and now find myself in a small state of unrest, being happy to have found the end of the story and see it resolved but also quite sad that there is no more story left to read. It seems silly when I really think about it, that I could be so attached to these characters and this story I’m now obsessing over it so much that I wish it would come up in every conversation I take part in, and if I thought anyone reading this blog might want to share my obsession for a moment I would actually consider writing my own sort of book report on the matter, but alas that is not my plan (at least not today). That is however my perspective at the moment, which is what I try to focus this blog on, really processing my life, my thoughts and acknowledging how it is I see the world.

So what is it I see through the pages of my books? I could talk about the characters, I could talk about the quality of the authors writing, or perhaps make reference to my current obsession and this trend as a whole but instead I’ll widen the subject and simply say I love to read. There was a reason I made reading part of my list for this year, it always makes me think, it can make me question the way I live my life, and yes it definitely entertains me. I truly believe that a book if read at a certain moment in someone’s life, with just the right amount of openness to the story can change said reader forever. For some stories these changes can be quite large, for others rather small and for some when things don’t line up just so, whether it be the stories themselves or other circumstances’ at the time may have no effect in the least.

It is this theory of mine perhaps that draws me to reading, and then obsessing over what lies within the pages I have consumed. It is becoming a part of this theory that leads me to digging deeper into the hearts of these characters I somehow love, to find whatever it is I can learn from them almost as if they were real people. Okay so I don’t know if this current story will in fact change me in some grand way. I imagine, maybe if I wanted it to it could or possibly it already has and I just can’t see it yet. Whatever the case may be, big changes or small ones, one thing has indeed already came to my mind, if I take nothing else from the story, the process of reading it has in fact reminded me of how much I love to read and then almost more importantly why I desire that passion to be an unmistakable part of who I am.             

1 comment:

  1. I have about thirty different comments for this post. I'm just going to go with: let's start a book club. I always wish the books I read would come up in conversation so that I could disect them with whomever I'm conversing. Yeah, that never happens, especially since I refuse to read popular books... wait I read chronicles of Narnia around the time the first movie came out... shoot.

    Anyway, you want to read "a tale of two cities" with me (at the same time as me so we can talk about it)? I've been meaning to read it again. I think I might have given it to you, do you have it/ did you already read it? Anyway I remember hating the ending but thinking "wow, that really opened my eyes."

    *Don't answer to this comment here or I'll never see it... blogger really needs to do something about that by the way!
