Sunday, January 16, 2011

Consuming Thoughts

I’ve been focusing way more on myself this month than I want to, I’ve been learning and growing and that’s all wonderful and beautiful but I still feel like my life is just that, mine, and all I want is to share it with others and take the attention off myself. For the past week my thoughts have been consumed with the words pride and humility. Pride is the battle that I fight, and the foundational bricks of the wall that separates me from sharing life with the rest of the world. Humility is the finish line of a race that seems too long to complete. As a follower of Christ desiring to be in relationship with God I want to be humble. As an overly sensitive, analytical human being my world revolves around how I feel and what others think of me. What do I need to do to change these things? How do I keep fighting this battle without constantly looking at myself? I don’t know the answers to these questions, but somehow I feel that a step in the right direction, I can’t do this on my own, but that seems to be the point. I’m going to stop there in an attempt not to overanalyze the subject any further, but in doing so, I also pray that God will open my eyes to His truth on the matter and guide my steps to be who I truly desire to be; one who follows Him with humility and thinks of others more than myself.

1 comment:

  1. the answer to this question that's been on my heart today is simply to pray (much much) more often for people
