Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Gospel

Last week Tuesday I gave a message at youth group, part of said message was my simple telling of the gospel story, while I was going over things before service with Shelly she told me I needed to record it somewhere so tonight I’m adding it to my blog, I hope you like it.
We were talking about evangelism all last month, so I decided to look up evangelism in the dictionary; the definition of evangelism is “a preaching of, or zealous effort to spread the gospel.” You don’t need to be trained to spread the gospel; it is something that all of us can and should do everyday, but in order to spread the gospel you need to know what the gospel is.
The gospel starts out something like this. There is a God, and He created the world, and man (He placed Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, the loveliest place you could ever imagine and gave them authority over everything, the only rule He had was that they could not eat from the tree in the centre of the Garden) But man disobeyed God and fell into sin (they listened to the serpent and ate the forbidden fruit) and separated themselves from God. Many, many generations later God had compassion on His creation, and sent His Son to earth in the form of man. (Baby Jesus born in a manger, you know how that story goes) while on earth Jesus lived a perfect sinless life (He was the best man a man could be.) Then came the day that God and Jesus both knew had to come, Jesus sacrificed Himself to be killed like sinner on a cross and the Son of God died. But it dose not end there because three days later He rose from the grave. On the cross Jesus took all the sins of the world for all time onto Himself and off of those who committed them. Through His death Jesus restored the bridge that Adam and Eve had destroyed, and if you accept Jesus as the savior that He is, your sins are forgiven and you are no longer separated form God. That is the gospel a simple story of what one man did for the world to bring all who desire back into a relationship with His loving Father.

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